
Thursday 11 October 2012

Post Apocalyptic World In 3D Reflection

During this assignment I used a lot of the same steps that I had used before including using brushes, downloading brushes, and changing the hue and saturation of the picture.  However one new step that I used a lot while completing this assignment was creating brushes from pictures.  I had used this step before but never very often and for less specific brushes than in this piece.  I think that by creating my own brushes for this piece it made completing it to my preference was much easier.

For my final piece, the idea that I used was to show that a possible cause to the end of the world could be a flood.  In this idea I wanted to show that by having the world end by a flood the only thing that would prevail would be water animals and some aspects of nature.  In this art piece I was hoping to show that even though people seemed to be prepared, for example by having a boat, the only thing that would last through the disaster would be things from nature.
For this assignment my overall idea of having the flood end the world did not change.  Although my idea of what I wanted to really emphasise changed from wanting to really have to water and the cause stand out to putting the emphasis on the positive of what would survive the disaster.

For this assignment I didn't really have any specific influences since I do not know of many 3D artists.

For this assignment I balanced everything asymmetrically.  The eye moves around this piece of work by having the colours evenly throughout the entire picture.  This makes the eye move around the picture because the prominence of some colours is mixed through the picture drawing your eye around.  The emphasis of the different colours works for the individual pieces because the red object are prominent drawing your eye there and then making you look at all the objects around it.  It also works for the piece as a whole because since the red objects move your eye around you are able to see everything in the piece.
My motivation for this assignment was to explore the 3D colour pallets.  I really liked doing the 3D part of this assignment because I found it very interesting how using the right colours on the right background could make your picture 3D.
Critical Assesment
I feel that the water fall and the house falling off of it are the most interesting and succesful because I think that with the colours they really stand out and look the best.  No there wasn't really any parts of this process that surprised.  With additional time I would improve the fuzziness around some of the edges of the really 3D parts.

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